Henny Thijssen

Henny Thijssen is an established Dutch songwriter, producer and vocalist with many significant collaborations to his name. Dutch stars such as Gerard Joling, Tino Martin, Danny de Munk, Frans Bauer, André Hazes, Corry Konings and Koos Alberts are only a few names Henny has worked together with and written for.
Henny started his career as the lead singer of rock band Eastcoast in 1986, with whom he also created an album. With his song ‘Save Our Planet’, Henny got picked as winner by the audience of the World Song Festival in 1988 and he became third in the jury selection.
Fast forward to the 21st century and Henny starts releasing songs under his own name again. In 2008 Henny became fourth in a Dutch Jury Prize in the category ‘Songwriter’. Back in 2020 Henny Thijssen won The Voice Senior Netherlands. Currently 70 years old Henny is still very active in writing for himself and other artists. He has co-written a lot of songs for famous Dutch folk/pop artist Tino Martin.